A major addition to the new game is a device that actually lets you fly. Like Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4 has a couple nifty gliding devices such as the wingsuit, parachute, and hang glider. Use The Awesome Tiny Helicopters To Get Around Kyrat Faster It’s like turning the lights on before you walk into a room. But the real point here is that basically any time that you can capture new radio towers, you should stop whatever it is you’re killing and do so.
You can’t capture all of the radio towers at the very beginning of the game - a small chunk of them are sealed off in the northern section of Kyrat, which is effectively the second “world” in Far Cry 4. Start capturing the radio towers the moment you complete Far Cry 4’s prologue missions - it shouldn’t even wait until the end of Act 1. Doing so doesn’t just increase the overall level of visibility on the world map, it also fills in the region with essential details - landmarks, where loot is located, where particular animals like to hang out, etc. You can clear the fog from a portion of the map by finding a radio tower, climbing to the top, and flipping the switch that you find there. In turn, this makes it tricky to navigate - especially at the beginning of the game, when most of the world map is covered in a thick layer of fog. Kyrat is in the Himalayas, which makes Far Cry 4’s open world an incredibly hilly one.